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Our Story

Hey there! My name is Stacey and I’m the Mama behind Little Lovies Closet. I’m a wife and a stay-at-home mom to 3 exceptional kiddos( + 3 fur babies) , and in between being super-mom (and of course movie nights!), I love to sew and be creative into the wee hours of the night.

I’ve been crafty since I can remember and after much encouragement from my husband and family I took the plunge to open a little shop – Little Lovies Closet was born! (I talk about it like it is my 4th child haha). As my children are getting older they’re developing such wonderful personalities and I wanted to help them express themselves just like I’ve been so lucky to do! It's kind of cool as a mom to see them wear clothes and shoes that they inspired me to create.

My kids are always excited to wear the newest print or the coolest color & I hope LLC can bring a smile to your kiddos’ faces too!

❤️ Stacey